As Lisa has been here at the Bearded Collie Club of America National Specialty, I swear there have been new changes to her personality. It's as if we are waking up Sleeping Beauty. To be more accurate, it seems in the last few weeks there have been changes to her in general. She's more alert and in tune with her surroundings.
Since she's been at the Specialty, it seems even more of those sleepy brain cells have been waking up. Lisa's alertness has increased as well as her interactions with those around her. She even so much as ran around with me yesterday. And not her normal puppy run with front legs flailing around, this was an honest one-foot-in-front-of-the-other run.
As we walk her around the hotel and show activities, people will stop us and ask questions about her. My husband and I continue to spread her precious story. Lisa, of course, stops and says, "you can pet me." :-)
Tunie Goes Home!!!
9 years ago
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