Tula was microchipped and when DAS officers contacted the registered owner, they got the owner's mother instead. The mother explained to the officers that her daughter was in a mental facility and she was not going to take the dog on behalf of her daughter. The sentiment was that the mother had no idea how long the daughter was going to be in the facility. How sad for both Tula, the mother and the daughter. Lucky for Tula that Beardie Rescue was able to pull her from the shelter. The animal control officer told us that if we didn't, she would have been put down given how bad her health was - "No one will adopt a dog that looks like that." Sadly, they are right.

And that's where organizations like Beardie Rescue and others come in, we take those hard luck cases and turn 'em around!
After 3+ months of medication, medicated baths, good nutrition, skin and hair supplements, Tula looks fabulous! Now, her outsides are beginning to match her insides. And what a beautiful soul she has, too!

Is she in a foster home??? She looks wonderful Great Job to all you Texans!
Actually, she's in a boarding kennel because I don't have any room or anyone to foster her in my immediate area. I visit her several times a week, plus the place where she stays is absolutely wonderful and they adore all my angels who come there. I can't say enough about the staff at the American Pet Spa in Argyle, TX.
If you ever need anyone and can transport to IL keep us in mind, we would love to help you out..once again great job!
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