Quite often I find myself perusing Petfinder.com's website looking for Beardies. On this occasion, I struck gold. There were 2 girls at the SPCA in McKinney, TX. Utilizing Beardie Rescue resources in North Texas, myself along with several others worked to get the girls released into the Beardie Rescue's custody.
The first girl we were able to get released was "Wookie", now named "Penny". Penny was thought to be 6 years old. Special thanks to Kim Semyan for springing Penny and setting her up with boarding until I could come and pick her up. Penny had periodonatal disease, was underweight, and had ear infections in both ears. Her shaved down coat showed every bone in her body. However, Penny had spunk. She was a very determined girl who was not swayed by the recent changes in her environment. Sadly, most puppy mill survivor dogs don't come this way.
Penny's outgoing nature made her curious about everything. You could almost see the thought bubble above her head reading, "What's that?" It was so wonderful to see her running in my yard and enjoy just being a dog for the first time in her life. She was no longer someone's cash machine any more!
Penny lives with her forever family in Austin, TX along with her new Beardie brother and best friend George. She's been keeping the family on their toes when it comes to housebreaking since living inside a house is a competely new concept to Penny. She hasn't quite mastered the whole inside verus outside concept yet. This confusion is very common with mill dogs and takes time and patience to undo all the years of conditioning.
Tunie Goes Home!!!
9 years ago
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